PaRC - Chemical Dependency Education Groups

Chemical Dependency Education Groups

Continually using drugs and/or alcohol hurts your mind, body and spirit. Breaking the cycle of dependency is the beginning of your recovery. As part of your personalized treatment plan at PaRC, chemical dependency groups provide education and support to help you succeed.

Chemical dependency groups meet daily to address the causes of addiction, the physical and emotional effects that triggers and how to break the cycle of dependency. In a group setting, you will participate in discussions such as chemical dependency vs. addiction, lectures, films and activities about drug and alcohol addiction and share experiences and personal achievements in recovery.

Take the First Step to Recovery
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Chemical Dependency Groups explore:

  • Physiological effects of drugs/alcohol
  • Nutrition and health
  • Spirituality
  • Meditation and relaxation
  • Life skills
  • And many other topics critical to recovery

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Struggling with addiction?
No matter the question, we can help.

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Call us at (281) 941-5106. A caring PaRC representative will get back to you soon.