▪ Drugs and alcohol (Patients are not allowed to purchase, possess or use legal or illegal mind/mood-altering substances, including over-the-counter cough and sleep aids. No drug paraphernalia is allowed. If you have legal or illegal mind-altering substances in your possession at the time you are admitted, you will be asked to give these to the nurse on duty. Illegal substances will be destroyed.)
▪ Vapes and e-cigarettes (cigarettes and smokeless tobacco (dip Porches only) are permitted)
▪ Electronic devices including laptops, tablets, CD players, video games (including consoles), videos, DVDs, cameras, TVs, e-readers, smartwatches, iPads, iPods, MP3 players or Fitbit-types of devices
▪ Cell phones
▪ Expensive jewelry
▪ Mouthwash containing alcohol
▪ Straight or bladed razors of any kind (only electric razors are allowed)
▪ Aerosols (including shaving cream)
▪ Over-the-counter medications
▪ Torch lighters
▪ Weapons and/or anything deemed as such by staff
▪ Paints, paint thinner/remover, turpentine, denatured alcohol, rubbing alcohol, kerosene, gasoline or freon, fireworks, candles, incense, airplane cement, glue or adhesives
▪ Hair dyes or hair coloring products, fingernail polish and polish remover
▪ Sports equipment (weights, fishing poles, baseball bats, etc.)
▪ Pornography
▪ Clothing or hats with inappropriate messages or symbols which have sexual, gambling, racial, alcohol or drug references; low-cut shirts, crocheted, knitted, or see-through shirts; shorts higher than 4 inches above the knee. No flip-flops or slides are allowed.
▪ Outside food/drinks
▪ Coolers, coffee pots, cooking devices, stuffed animals, electric blankets and heating pads
▪ Pillows, blankets, towels or other linens of any kind
▪ Other items deemed inappropriate for treatment
Not sure if an item is OK to bring to treatment at PaRC? Call PaRC for information.
Please note: This list can change at any time and may not be the most recent version. Please ask the admission coordinator you are speaking with prior to admission about the most up-to-date packing list.
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No matter the question, we can help at PaRC.