PaRC - Spirituality Recovery Groups

Spirituality Recovery Groups

Many ask why even have spiritual care with drug and alcohol treatment? People often confuse religion with spirituality. The 12-step model is a spiritual model. Patients are encouraged to explore their connection to a higher power, whether it be religious or secular. PaRC fosters this if patients are interested in a variety of ways. Many individuals have tendencies of isolating themselves, which is a common behavior among patients with drug or alcohol addiction.

Isolation from people and from things that were once important to someone is not conducive to staying sober and living a fulfilled life. PaRC helps aid in connection with others as well as a higher power if patients are so inclined.

A healthy, balanced spiritual life is an element of recovery that helps you form a strong foundation for long-term success. Spiritual growth is at the core of 12-step recovery; it is a journey that continues throughout your lifetime. Growing your spirituality links you back to what is important in your life and in your recovery.

The Spiritual Care Program at the Prevention and Recovery Center provides you the opportunity to develop and nurture your spiritual growth while you are in treatment. Spirituality is uniquely integrated into all of our programs at PaRC and is as individualized as our treatment.

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Spiritual Care Program Includes:

  • Lectures where you will learn how to use spiritual principles as a personal recovery resource.
  • Meditation sessions that help you develop inner serenity and peace.
  • Spiritual ceremonies that celebrate your accomplishment of your unique treatment goals.
  • Our Serenity Gardens where you can retreat to and connect with nature and other people on the same path as you.
  • Two separate chapels where you can meditate, reflect or pray in privacy and quiet.

Do I Have to Believe in "God" in Recovery?

No, you don’t. The PaRC staff knows that people come to us with a variety of ideas and feelings about God. But we also know that participating in a solid 12-step program involves dependence on a “Higher Power.” Your particular Higher Power or God can be whatever is meaningful to you. It doesn’t have to match any other person’s concept and it might take you some time to identify and develop your Higher Power. We support your beliefs and will meet you wherever you are.

What Is Spirituality Made Up Of?

In addition to developing your concept of a Higher Power, we also want you to begin developing universal spiritual principles such as:

  • Surrender
  • Hope
  • Prayer
  • Honesty
  • Reflection
  • Willingness
  • Humility
  • Acceptance
  • Amends
  • Forgiveness
  • Integrity
  • Services

Success in Spiritual Growth

Working the 12 steps is a vital aspect of your personal spiritual growth in recovery. The general recommendation is to work through the first three steps while you are in your first month of treatment, then to work one step per month for the next nine months. That pace will get you through the 12 steps in your first year of sobriety. And since Step 3 is such a vital step for setting the spiritual tone of steps 4-12, the PaRC offers a Third Step Ceremony where you will celebrate your accomplishment of this vital phase of your program.

Spirituality Groups

Gathering with others to talk about spirituality is an important part of your treatment at PaRC. Exploring and connecting with your spiritual life is an aspect of recovery that helps you form a strong foundation for long-term success. Participating in a spirituality group helps you rediscover and tap into the beliefs, values and principles at the heart of leading a balanced, fulfilling life.

Spirituality groups include:

    • Using spiritual principles as a personal recovery resource
    • Weekly meditation
    • Celebrating your unique treatment goals
    • Connecting with nature
    • Religion in spirituality
    • Traditional church services at PaRC (twice weekly)
    • Elements of the 12-step program
      • The 3rd step and its importance in recovery
      • Completion ceremony for the 3rd step (optional)

Spirituality groups at PaRC provide the opportunity to explore and nurture your spiritual growth while you are in treatment. In spirituality groups, you will reexamine your attitudes about yourself and others. As your spiritual side gets stronger, your emotional health, self-esteem and acceptance of others will grow. Getting in touch with your spiritual self can help you recover as you tap into your beliefs and inner strengths and reconnect with the outer world.

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